Tuesday, October 2, 2012

As the principal of DSMS, I have the unique opportunity to walk the campus every day observing and interacting with staff, students and parents.  I am constantly blown away by the creativity and commitment to excellence at our school.  At the encouragement of our youngest staff member at DSMS, I have decided to blog about some of the things that catch my eye/imagination as I travel throughout our campus.  Feel free to check in periodically or subscribe by email to my blog.

Earlier today, I visited one of Mr. Zepeda's 7th Grade Pre-Engineering classes.  Each day, as a warm-up to the lesson, a different student prepares a current event report and presents to the class.  Today's student presentation was about a new automotive software in development at the university level.  The idea of the software is to eliminate or limit glare while driving in a rain or snow storm.  A mechanism is attached to the lighting system that tracks rain or snow drops, anticipates where they will be as they pass through the light beams, then turns off the necessary beams of light to limit the glare on drivers.

The student presented articulately with such passion that I was immediately drawn into the concept.  He spoke about the limitations of the current software and benefits if it can be perfected.  The student conversation that followed was inspiring.  As a former middle school science teacher, I beamed with excitement as I watched our students engage in and dialog about real world concepts.

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